Purchasing glossary


Are you unfamiliar with all the terms, acronyms and expressions used in the world of purchasing?

Our Purchasing Glossary has been designed to simplify the sometimes complex terms used in the world of purchasing, making it easier to understand this technical language.

In this glossary you will find :

💡 Clear, precise definitions

💡 In-depth explanations for optimum understanding.

💡 Frequent updates to stay ahead of the curve.

Purchasing glossary

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Set of several amenities (e.g. ingredients).

Central purchasing
Organization that centralizes purchasing for other companies. By leveraging volume effects, a central purchasing group can obtain better commercial terms and conditions for its member customers.

Term corresponding to a product and mainly used in the retail sector (e.g. butter, chocolate, sugar, plastic, etc.).

Document drawn up between a buyer and a supplier specifying the purchasing terms and conditions: - Supplier details - Product and specifications - Volume - Price (with or without cost model, indexed or not) - Period of validity

Hedging means budgeting what you need to produce your products.
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